About Us

Making school education the best!

The Phystech-schools development foundation is a foundation for the development and replication of the «Phystech system» for secondary education, as an example of the practical implementation of an innovative model of school and additional education.

We use the best educational experience applied at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and at the AIEO “Phystech-Lyceum” of Natural Sciences and Mathematics named after P.L. Kapitza.

We work with projects to create and support classes in the natural sciences (Phystech XXI Classes), developing a natural science clubs in Russia and the CIS (the “Science to the Regions” project), conducting advanced training courses for teachers, producing teaching materials, video lectures for preparing for exams, in-depth studying predominantly technical disciplines.

The fund was created in 2009 by MIPT graduates Sergei Guz, Andrey Ivashchenko, Yuri Alasheev and Vladimir Kuznetsov.

Key projects and areas of work:

  • Support and assistance to the successful development of AIEO “Phystech-Lyceum” of Natural Sciences and Mathematics named after P.L. Kapitza (Dolgoprudny, Moscow region)
  • Science to the Regions is a program for creating natural science clubs throughout Russia based on programs developed at MIPT
  • Phystech XXI classes — a program to create specialized classes in schools using an innovative model of school education (“Phystech System”)
  • Phystech-nachalo — primary school for preparing for technical education
  • Advanced training courses for teachers to improve the level of teaching natural sciences Project
  • «Botalka» — preparation for the Unified State Exam, OGE Release of teaching materials — books and video lectures on subjects

The Phystech-schools development foundation is one of the key partners of the Technopark of “Phystech-Lyceum” of Natural Sciences and Mathematics named after P.L. Kapitza. We actively participate in the activities of the largest children’s technopark in Russia: we support large-scale scientific and technical projects and educational initiatives, create an exclusive environment in Dolgoprudny where schoolchildren develop skills and knowledge in physics, mathematics and natural sciences, and also realize their creative potential through project activities.

The Phystech-schools development foundation team facilitates the creation of educational clubs of the Technopark of “Phystech-Lyceum” in relevant areas of science and modern technology. Under the guidance of experienced mentors, children study programming, robotics, 3D modeling, biotechnology and other popular disciplines. We help present the best works of schoolchildren at specialized conferences and competitions.

The Phystech-schools development foundation participates in organizing and holding intensive training courses and project shifts, master classes, lectures and seminars for schoolchildren and teachers at the Technopark. In addition, we provide support in organizing school competitions, olympiads, hackathons and other significant educational events. The Fund also helps attract partners and experts from various industries to cooperation with the Technopark, provides assistance in providing prize funds and covering events in the media.

The Technopark of “Phystech-Lyceum” of Natural Sciences and Mathematics named after P.L. Kapitza is rightfully considered one of the leading centers of children’s scientific and technical education in Russia. This unique educational platform combines advanced technologies and innovative teaching methods for schoolchildren and teachers. The Technopark provides children from all regions of the country with the opportunity to conduct their own research on the most modern equipment in more than 50 laboratories, to implement their boldest ideas into real projects, to work together with leading technology companies in Russia, to interact with the best teachers, scientists and experts in various fields. Thanks to cooperation with the Technopark, we provide the younger generation with the opportunity to receive a quality education and prepare for the challenges of the future.

Physics and Technology Schools Development Fund:

  • Develops school education
  • Helps teachers and students achieve better results
  • Adapts the principles of the “Phystech system” for secondary education
  • Creates video lectures and teaching materials
  • Forms the natural science school cluster PHYSTECH XXI
  • Works on the basis of the Physics and Technology Lyceum named after. P.L. Kapitsa and MIPT