Phystech XXI Classes

The Phystech-schools development foundation replicates the Phystech-Lyceum experience and organizes classes according to the «Phystech system» in various comprehensive schools in Russia. Such classes are called «Phystech XXI Classes». Education in them is built in combination with the school program with the introduction of a system of clubs, project activities and control sections in natural science subjects. Phystech XXI Classes are a comprehensive school development system that improves the results and motivation of students from the 1st grade. Children interested in research undergo an interview and selection upon admission to the «Phystech XXI Class». Subsequently, the children attend clubs that complement the main educational program, which are taught by school teachers who have been trained to teach in the «Phystech XXI Classes». During their studies, children can try their hand at project activities, conferences «I am a researcher» and «Start in innovation». They develop soft skills that will be useful not only in their studies, but also in adult life. The learning process is monitored using sections provided by the “Phystech-Lyceum” of Natural Sciences and Mathematics named after P.L. Kapitza.

In addition, students participate in moral and patriotic education within the framework of the «Traditions» section of the «Traditions-Talents-Technologies» concept.

As a result of the work of the «Phystech XXI Classes»:

— The school opens technical clubs, which are led by school teachers who have been trained to teach in the «Phystech XXI Classes»;

— The «Phystech XXI Classes» participates in the conference on project activities «I am a researcher» (junior classes), «Start in innovation» (senior classes).

— The school teachers participate in advanced training courses held by the Foundation.

The Phystech-schools development foundation conducts a knowledge assessment at the school once a semester.


Stages of the school’s integration into the Phystech XXI ecosystem:

  1. The school signs a cooperation agreement with the Phystech-schools development foundation
  2. The school conducts a knowledge assessment in mathematics and announces a recruitment for the Phystech XXI clubs
  3. The Phystech XXI clubs are launched with teachers from the Fund
  4. A project conference «I am a researcher» is organized, students are invited to the school stage of the conference
  5. Teachers participate in advanced training courses from the Fund, MIPT and the Phystech Lyceum named after P.L. Kapitsa
  6. Once a semester, a knowledge assessment is conducted in specialized subjects
  7. A Phystech XXI class is opened at the school.