Talent in Me

The “Phystech-Lyceum” of Natural Sciences and Mathematics named after P.L. Kapitza has implemented a unique soft skills training program called “Talent in Me”. This program is a version of the international program The Leader in Me, developed in the USA based on the famous 7 skills of Stephen Covey, adapted for Russia. It was developed 10 years ago in a single school in the USA as a private initiative of the director. The program has shown such outstanding results that today it is being implemented by more than 200 schools in 14 countries on all continents. In some countries, such as Singapore and Guatemala, this program has become a state program, implemented by the Ministry of Education of these countries in all schools. To teach these skills, it is not supposed to introduce additional subjects and workload for students. These skills permeate the entire life of the school, are implemented through all lessons and extracurricular activities. Students are taught to be proactive and work in a team.

In 2017, as part of the development of the Educational Cluster, the Primary School of the “Phystech-Lyceum” was created. The primary school opened its doors to over 80 students in grades 1-4, with a focus on developing personal skills under the program «Talent in Me», project activities (analogous to the conference «Start in Innovation» — the Primary School Conference). Regular courses for parents «Apples and Apple Trees» were separately organized, where courses on psychology are read and trainings are held. The focus of training is aimed at the interaction of the child, school and family. In addition to the primary school, there are already 6 classes under the franchise, called «Primary classes Phystech XXI».